Monday, September 30, 2013



Poem by: Tracy Pierce (AKA : RA Tray)  ©                             

         " Don't Judge me for my choices when you don't know my reasons"

So you call me a drug addict... because I take strong pain pills. Why cant you comprehend living in chronic pain ...really is a big deal? Just because you are lucky and have your health ..doesn't give you the right... to judge everyone else. You should be thankful that you can lead a normal life... and not have to deal with chronic pain ...for the rest of your life. A drug addict a person who abuses pain meds.... and takes them to feed there addiction instead. Im a wife,a mother, a sister, a daughter , a friend who is NOT trying to get high ...Im just trying to live! Why cant you understand ...that this is my life ...that pain has decided to strike. So before judging others for taking prescribed pain meds ..please stop and think for a minute before hurtful words are said. It is not my choice to live a life filled with pain so why is it such a big deal for me to try and take the edge off this endless pain. How would you feel if everyday you where judged and called a druggie instead ....can you understand how that would mess with your head. It makes me feel like i am being punished for trying to lessen the pain . I 'm just trying my best to stay sane. So before you make your jokes and call me an addict think for a second what if it was you that had it? If i had to guess you wouldn't like being judged and made fun of why do you feel its ok to talk about me like I'm some kinda dead beat I'm some kinda thug. Just because others abuse this or that doesn't mean the innocent should be punished for that. I cant control if others abuse it just to feel a high because I take my meds just as prescribed. Sometimes life doesn't work out like we hoped or planned so all anyone can do is to cope the best that they can. Be careful with the words that you say because next it could be you struggling with chronic pain.

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