Rhyme Time


Most of my poems are about my struggles and triumphs with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I work very hard on these poems and I retain all rights to them. I don't mind anyone reading them because that is the reason I write them...so others can relate and hopefully not feel so alone. I don't even mind if you share them but do not in anyway claim credit for my work. All of my poems are protected by copyright and breaking the copyright is punishable by law. With that being said.... Please read and I hope you enjoy my poetry

No Giving Up...

Not giving up...not giving in..I'll fight my RA till very end. 
You may think that you have the upper hand but Im a fighter
Who fights to win!  You are just a bully who likes to pick on me...
If your not attacking my hands you 're attacking my knees. 
I bet you thought you could defeat me so easily ...but you messed
With the wrong warrior and soon you'll see ...you'll see just how
strong this warrior can be!  Did I look like an easy target to
You? Let me tell you...this time..you've bitten off more...
Than you can chew!  I may get down at times..I may even break
Down and cry...but never mistake my tears as a sign of a weakling..
Because defeating you is ALL I'm seeking!!  Crying doesn't 
mean Im weak ..I grow stronger ..with each tear I wipe from
My cheek.  As long as there is a breath within me...i will fight you 
...until you ...I defeat!!©

April 5,2014

Tracy Pierce

Wonder Woman

I  am wonder woman ....but I do not fly 
through the skies...I don't save people 
from robberies ....nor do I catch any kind 
of bad guys. I bet I have you thinking what 
kinda Wonder Woman could I be? I am 
the kinda of Wonder Woman who has lost 
her memory.  I walk into a room and I 
wonder what was is it that I need.  Why did 
I come in here....why does my memory keep 
escaping me?  I wonder if I took my daily meds 
and wonder if I made my bed. I wonder if I 
remembered to put the bread tie on the bread. 
I wonder if I forgot to buy a certain something 
at the store..i wonder if I remembered to lock 
my front door. There is this fog that my mind 
Is always in...I wished I could just clear the fog so 
I can remember things again. It makes it so very
Hard to get anything done and it forever keeps my 
mind a Wondering. So many little things keep 
my mind turning till I cant sleep at night. So I must 
try and shut off my mind so Wonder Woman gets 
her beauty sleep tonight.

Tracy Pierce


RA is a sneaky disease ...because nothings off limits you see.
It will sneak up on you at the worst of times.. because it
has no rhythm or rhyme. Not only will it attack and destroy all your 
joints..it can very well attack your organs ...skin ..& more ...Because 
...nothing and I mean nothings ..off limits to this mean guy. He 
has no heart but will attack yours or mine. RA is a systemic disease....
Which means it can attack any part of me. Many confuse it with 
OA ...but I'll be the first to assure you ...in no way ...is it the same. 
RA is an Autoimmune Disease and it can attack any part of me. The 
pain can vary from minute to minute ..day by day and vary from mild 
to totally insane! See chronic inflammation is very hard on me ..because RA is no easy disease.  Chronic inflammation is hard on the heart so this disease should be taken seriously ...from the start. All I can do is my best to control my disease ...but that isn't as easy as it would seem. RA is a beast and a force to be reckoned with ...but I'll never give up ...I'll never quit. RA may knock me down at times ...it can make me sad and make me cry ..but each time I am knocked down...I'll always get up and stand my ground. RA may be strong ...but not stronger than me ...because I am a fighter... you see. I will never give up ...I'll never give in..you wont defeat me RA ..because I WILL win!!!

Tracy Pierce

Taming "The Beast" 

I have a beast that lives within me. My body's my friend & my worst enemy!  The beast is so unpredictable you see. Will it be nice and get along today or will it do everything possible just to get in my way? 
I just never know from day to day how i will feel ...or will I be ok ...or is the beast gonna cause a bad day?   Its hard living this way . Its hard living minute by minute and day by day.  I try my best to tame the beast but the beast can really make me weak. I fight it and fight it with each passing day and try reassuring myself it will be ok. This beast has a name and its "RA "and it will try its best to ruin my day. 
 It gets angry when I try and fight back with meds and at times it keeps me in bed. The beast is sneaky at times and loves to mess with my mind. One day can be good the next bad and some days I'm happy and some so sad. 
I hate this roller coaster the beast  loves to ride and all the pain it makes me feel inside. When will the beast realize my body is mine and leave me alone so i can get on with my life? Will i ever learn to tame you beast or on my body will you forever feast???

Tracy Pierce


So you call me a drug addict because I take strong pain pills. Why cant you comprehend living in chronic pain really is a big deal? Just because you are lucky and have your health doesn't give you the right to judge everyone else. You should be thankful that you can lead a normal life and not have to deal with chronic pain for the rest of your life. A drug addict is a person who abuses pain meds and takes them to feed there addiction instead. Im a wife,a mother a sister, a daughter and a friend who is NOT trying to get high ...Im just trying to live! Why cant you understand that this is my life ...that pain has decided to strike. So before judging others for taking prescribed pain meds please stop and think for a minute before hurtful words are said. It is not my choice to live a life filled with pain so why is it such a big deal for me to try and take the edge off this endless pain. How would you feel if everyday you where judged and called a druggie instead ....can you understand how that would mess with your head. It makes me feel like i am being punished for trying to lessen the pain . I 'm just trying my best to stay sane. So before you make your jokes and call me an addict think for a second what if it was you that had it? If i had to guess you wouldn't like being judged and made fun of ....so why do you feel its ok to talk about me like I'm some kinda dead beat ....like I'm some kinda thug. Just because others abuse this or that doesn't mean the innocent should be punished for that. I cant control if others abuse it just to feel a high because I take my meds just as prescribed. Sometimes life doesn't work out like we hoped or planned so all anyone can do is to cope the best that they can. Be careful with the words that you say because next it could be you struggling with chronic pain.©
September 2013 
Written by: Tracy Pierce

The Untamed Beast 

RA is a beast & a force to be reckoned with.  
I haven't figured out away to tame it just yet.  
It is like a thief in the night. Just sneaking
Around you and waiting to fight. My RA 
can strike at any ole time. It not only hurts
My body but it hurts my mind.  It tricks
Me into thinking it is finally gone then out 
Of the blue it comes on strong.  It is a beast
And it will mess with your mind so whatever 
You do don't let it inside. For once it gets in it 
Messes with your mind and makes you feel
Useless and you think "Such am burden am I."
It not only causes you so much all over pain but
Also will mess with your mind and make you 
Feel worthless & A little insane. But I do the best that I 
Can to keep the beast away but I must keep
My guard up for it can strike any time on any day. 
Just remember you are doing the best that you can
And talk to your family and try and make them 
understand. You need there support and 
may need them to lend a hand.  It is ok to ask
For help so kick your pride out the door so 
Friends and family can come in and help you more. 
Many family and friends want to help in some way
But don't know what to do or what to say. Having 
some people help when you are in pain is nothing 
bad but actually a very good thing.  I hope someday 
a cure will be found.  Id be so happy id be jumping up 
and down.  Can you imagine no more pain and suffering 
that comes along with this disease.  Can you imagine how happy
You'd be?!?!?  I know one day that a cure will be found. 
When they do find it I'll be the happiest person around!!

Tracy M Pierce


With swollen hands and swollen feet and don't forget every body part that is in between. I dream of pain free days...but that dream just seems so far away.
... Keep your chin up , I always say, looking forward to better days. Like days when pain goes away. The pain has come and gone before but before I know it its back at my front door. When it goes away ,if even a short time, all it does is mess with my mind. Making me think it is all gone away all for it to surprise me as i awake in pain. My pain has no rhythm and rhyme for it can strike at any ole time. You never know what it will attack next . Will it be your hands...your knees or maybe your neck. My pain has a name and it goes by RA...it will ruin your life and leave your mind in a haze. More of you it wants to destroy all the while your mind it will toy. Leaving you asking will it ever go away or will I ever really see those better days. Someday wonder is this how it will be ..painful body from head to feet? I try to keep hope that the pain will end and hopefully soon have my life back again. I take the harshest of meds ..some cause cancer and make you sick while others make your hair fall out in clumps before you know it you are feeling down in the dumps. Out of desperation these toxic meds you will take because all you want is for the pain to just please go away!!! I hold onto hope for more pain free days...hold on to hope for those better days
Tracy Pierce


My life is a mess but I'm still blessed

... I awoke to pain but I am alive.
At times I get emotional and it makes
me cry. There is so much evil in this ole word
The devil he'll taught you more more more.
But I am still blessed yes indeed
For I still have people who i love & who
Love me. Some have no one so I am
blessed. Even though my life is one big
ole mess. I have food in the cabinets
And my stomach is full. Some have no food
and would give it all Just to get fed
and be able to sleep In a warm soft bed
So many things we just assume will
be there . but in this Life you just never know.
For in the blink of an eye it could all just go.
You could be left with no food no bed
Or no home..what if all your loved ones one day
where all just gone. Don't take for granted
All that you have...be thankful to God
Above for all you do have and don't ever forget
Even though your life may be one big ole mess
There's still no doubt you are truly blessed.

7-8-2013. Tracy Pierce

by Tracy Pierce

How many times have I laid here and cried...how many times have I wished I would just  go ahead and die?  The numbers are countless...what's there to live for..more pain...opiate  addiction...need I say more?  My life as it is ..is not what I ever expected...how could I have ever projected....this kinda hell I must live.I can't wait for my time to die ...to be out of this hell....i would feel so free i could just  fly through the skies.....why must I carry such a huge burden in this life....God what did I do wrong.....will i ever feel normal again or will I always rely on these drugs till the very end. As I lay here once again looking through my tear filled eyes...wishing and wanting you to please just please God ..just let me die.  What did I do to deserve this kinda life......why God...WHY!!!©
by Tracy Pierce

                                                                     The Maze

Trapped in a maze..how did I get here...where is the exit ...is it anywhere near?
My maze has a name and it goes by RA...I turn left and Then right but there is no exit..just no exit in sight.  I feel all alone and really quite frightened..with my own body..my own body I'm fighting!  I'm trapped within this horrible maze..on most days all I can do is bow my head and pray...pray...pray! The walls are so high there's no way to climb out.... But for some reason I keep looking..looking how to get out.  For RA cares not who is its next prey..it strikes without warning...any time ...any day. think you're too young to become Its prey..you best think again..for it strikes anytime at ANY age.   It cares not if you are rich or if you are poor all RA wants is just ..more..More..MORE!    The walls are closing ..closing in on me...i feel so scared...yes so scared....i can hardly breathe.  For this maze ...has me trapped...trapped yes indeed..for this maze is not really a wall...its actually my disease.  
I beat & I bang trying to break free...will the walls ever fall or am I doomed to a uncertain misery.©

Tracy Pierce 3/6/2013


RA what can I say? It's evil it's.... the devil in so many ways. Always lurking and waiting to strike! Could be morning ...noon or night.  It has no agenda but will ruin yours with no warning  nor mercy and try as it might ...beat you down till you feel there is no end  in to the fight.
Are you a "fighter" ?  You better be ,cause it will beat you down , you just wait and see! You can't let it consume you cause that it can do. So put up your dukes and get ready to do what you have to...Fight back , fight back hard for this is my life and it sure is hell isn't yours! 
Now family and friends mean well when  suggesting this med or that diet & such but better chance than none ...I've already tried that with no luck....if the cure was there I would've found it and such..for this I do know all To well all i want is the old me back before RA snuck in and stole my health...my life..myself 
No i don't mean to come off as ungrateful or impolite but I've  lived a long time and put up a long fight...i have already checked out everything in this world and some of it two times maybe three ,for some kinda cure or relief  but there just isn't a quick fix for that I know indeed ....so thank you for caring and thinking of me  ...as far as my treatment .....that I will oversee.
The pain is like no other and impossible to describe ...so all i can do is just try....imagine a Tin man all rusted and shut ,unable to move , he is all bowed up.  Frantically searching for some kinda cure or relief but the magic oil is quiet hard to find ...yes indeed! There is no magical pill or cure to bring me back to  my old self that i wish to be....for RA is heartless and shrill...it isn't picky ...who  it strikes next.... it will get you  as a young infant a child or a teen and sometimes older for RA has no scheme. Who knows who it will get next...for it is sneaky  you see....for its the devil ..the devil forever trapped within inside me.
But you say "you're too young to have Arthritis"?  RA wants everyone , it cares not who it strikes at
any age it...just might.
Well you say "It can't be that bad"?  have you lived with Crippling pain ?  Not talking about for a moment , a day or a night....crippling pain ...for some there whole life! 
Just take a pill your being dramatic!   Till you've walked in my shoes and really felt this terrible world of hurt ....the pain both mental and physical ...till you've TRUELY lived it....then you shouldn't say a word...cause you no not the way...the way I have traveled ...it has been hard and quite  scary  as a matter.

Your judgement , your diets, your advice ....I don't need ,so please think twice before speaking to me...
Your understanding and trust that I'm doing everything I can is all that I ask and of course a good friend ...who  listens and accepts there is no quick fix. A friend who will listen and console me ...when this battle starts getting too rough ...for your caring and love I need very much!!
RA is a beast a force to be reckoned  with!   How do you do it?  How can you live with such pain?  simply said and put ....I have no choice i have no say..... ....this is my life it has chosen to strike but
till my dying day RA .... i will fight.  RA may get the best of me now and then but fight it I will. .....i will fight ...I will beat YOU RA...I WILL WIN!©
By Tracy Pierce
  RA ,RA Go Away!

RA ,RA go away ...I just can't deal with you today.  
My hands are swollen,sore and weak...don't even get me started ....on my poor feet
You sneak upon me like a thief in the night ...robbing me of what was once..a "normal" life.
 I push the thought of you out of mind ...hoping ..praying....wishing...you out of my life.
I can wish and want as I may ...but RA unfortunately is here to stay.
You trick my mind when in remission...thinking you're gone for good ...but that's just foolish wishing ....cause just when you think it's out of sight ...there you are...like that thief in the night.
I wake in awful pain ..and wonder will it eventually drive me insane.
 Simple things become the hardest to do.
Take a shower ..try to let the hot water loosen my painful joints ...but to dress is such a chore.... In its self.   Little things become so very hard...dressing..combing my hair..or even something as simple ....as getting up out of a chair.
You rob me of my independence and a normal life ....for I was only a teen when you changed my life!  
I was Young and hopeful ...for what my future might hold..little did I know just how wicked you are..so heartless and cold.  You would throw my hopes ....my dreams into a spin ....for I'm only a shadow of the person I had been.
Now unable to work and searching for my purpose in life..at times you make me feel  useless ...like there is no purpose left to my life.
But I'm more than just RA..I'm a wife....a mother ...a creative mind ..and a friend ..a shoulder to cry on ...but I have a little secret... A secret hidden within ...its my inner solider ...always ready to fight you.....as he secretly forever hides within me and within you.
I may fall weak to you now and then ...you may beat me down till i feel there is no end...and just when you think you've finally won this fight.....I'm not only the things i mentioned above ....but inside me lives a true fighter....and i will fight you Till the end...so don't be so sure of yourself RA ...cause you may get me down at times...but I ALWAYS get back up ...I ..WILL NEVER give up this fight...for I will beat you ...cause hope and persistence always wins.  So RA ,RA just go away ...for I have no time for you  in my life...not today.  ;)©

By Tracy Pierce

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